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your life is the ceremony, you are the ceremony.
Happy Baby
$33.00 NZD

Happy Baby


Hanako's Happy Baby, this blend helps support babies and toddlers emotional balance, helping them feel calm and safe and not absorb energies or environments that may be overwhelming or chaotic and result in over-stimulation,temper tantrums and crankiness.  (Where was this blend when my babes were little?!)

Affirmation:  "You are safe, secure and always loved".

Lightly spray this blend over your child like a blanket to help them feel happy and relaxed.

Ingredients:  Crystal infused purified water, frankincense, sweet orange, lavender and roman chamomile.

Gem and Flower Essences sealed with Mantra, Made with Love. 

 Hanako's  Vibrational Scents were thoughtfully created to provide a natural alternative to perfumes.  Using pure essential oils, gem and flower essences, crystal-infused purified water and mantra, This range helps to raise your vibration, not only through scent but through the energetic properties each ingredient holds.  Essences derived from the earth's raw materials to lift, inspire, support and balance.

50ml glass bottle.


Only 3 left in stock